How to Make a Pivot Chart in Excel Cumulative Sum: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make a Pivot Chart in Excel Cumulative Sum

Currently, constructing a pivot chart with a cumulative sum in Excel is one of the most influential methods to analyze changes that occur in the course of time, the presence and rates of development, and general results. The prioritized order of its charts can be useful for businesses and analysts because they must learn how to work with cumulative data; nonetheless, pivot charts in Excel make it relatively simple. We will walk you through every step and make you understand why they are important for data analysis. how to make a pivot chart in Excel Cumulative Sum.


Cumulative Sums: 

A Cumulative Sum is simply adding the values step by step and storing them as a new column in the data. Cumulative Sums of More Than One Column: This gives details on how to add more than one cumulative column while in Excel. Pivot Charts in Excel

A cumulative sum chart used is a type of chart that shows the total of values up to a given point or time and hence shows users how the data continues to build up. For example, a cumulative chart in sales data is used to display how much revenue has been made from month one to the current month without having to directly show how much sales were made every month.

A pivot chart is an extension of the Excel charting system, which helps in achieving an easy and effective way of charting based on data from a pivot table. Pivoted with accumulation totals, a pivot chart helps you to display more of these totals comprising of the growth, progress, or accumulation factors. It is now time to see the steps of creating a pivot chart themselves and some tips on using the Excel cumulative sum.

Step 1: Set Up Your Data in Excel

Before going to the process of creating any pivot table or chart, ensure that your data is well formatted for Excel. Follow these tips:

  • Structure your data like you are placing it in different columns with the respective headers being Date, Category, and Amount.
  • One should not allow for blank rows and/or columns on the dataset, as this will influence the formation of the pivot table.
  • Make sure to place all associated data in a single sheet so that one can easily select entire data and perform pivot tables.
  • If your data is dates, periods, and amounts, you are ready to make a pivot chart in Excel cumulative sum.

Step 2: Create a Pivot Table

  • Select your data range. Hover your cursor over a dataset and click and drag; this is an even faster approach to performing this, or you can just click on any cell in the dataset that you want to cover.
  • When you’re at the “Insert” tab on the ribbon, locate the “Pivot Table” button. This will generate a dialog box to ask where the pivot table should be placed.
  • Select the location for the table either in a newly created tab or in the same tab in which the data has been entered.
  • After finishing capturing the data, click OK to create the pivot table layout.
  • This will open a new pivot table field list on the side of your Excel window, and you will see your data columns as fields.

Step 3: Define the fields for the calculation of cumulative sum.

To have a pivot chart in Excel, cumulative sum entails the establishment of fields in the pivot table that present the cumulative information over any period.

  • Right-click on the “Date” field and use it to drag to the “Rows” box. This will sort the particulars by date.
  • Click on the “Drag here controls for values” message and drag the “Amount” field into the “Values” area. By default, this field may be summed by Excel, which is ideal for the cumulative data that we require.
  • Now you have a simple pivot table that presents the total amount according to the date.

Step 4: Add a Cumulative Sum Column

In order to get the summary values, it is necessary to change the type of calculations in a pivot table.

  • Right-click on the pivot cell containing the sum of amounts in the pivot table.
  • Then go to the “Value Field Settings” and select “Show Values As.”
  • From the dropdown list, drop down and select “Running Total In” and the “Date” items. This option will make your sum be cumulative, and this will display a sum total in the interval of the selected dates.
  • This is the format of the folder settings of Navision Client Dynamics, which follows the above settings when a user clicks OK.
  • By now, you should be seeing what looks like a running total calculated in your pivot table, which is actually a cumulative total.

Step 5: Create the Pivot Chart

Now that you have your pivot table showing cumulative data, you can then create a pivot chart.

  • Choose a cell of your choice within your pivot table.
  • Here, navigate to the “Insert” tab, and then, under the “Charts” group, you must find a range of chart types, which may include line chart or column chart, among several others.
  • Excel will create a pivot chart from your cumulative sum data and will present the running total with time.
  • Depending on the period you choose, your chart should now show the cumulative sum, which in turn makes it easier to compare and analyze growth patterns.

Step 6: Customize Your Pivot Chart

  • Making some changes to the pivot chart will enhance the appearance of the chart as well as improve the interpretations of the data. Here are a few tips:
  • Place titles and labels to interpret the data, for example, cumulative sales over time.
  • You can format colors and styles available via mouse; click the right button on the chart and select “Chart Design.” Select colors that would make it simpler to put together the sums of the several data sets.
  • To only view specific time periods or categories, adjust the pivot chart filters in case you have them as well.
  • These changes help to keep the values on the pivot chart appropriate and to give the chart’s reader a figure for the cumulative totals.

Why Choose Pivot Chart for Cumulative Sum?

A cumulative sum pivot chart is most effective if one is interested in the quantity that has increased or decreased over some time, for example, total sales, total spending, or total number of customers. It becomes even more useful in identifying issues such as exactly how much has been accomplished so far or the total level of growth over time. I think that how to make a pivot chart in Excel Cumulative Sum can revolutionize the way you work with your data.


Mastering how to make a pivot chart in Excel Cumulative Sum is important because it enables you to present information that goes beyond the basic findings. Using the pivot chart, you are able to maintain the audience’s interest and thus obtain quick decisions on the compound trends.


Can we have the category axis of the cumulative sum pivot chart to be the non-date fields?

Yes, but moments are more used in cumulative form when observing change across period variables (time). In case you had no date values for certain categories, you could use the “Running Total In” setting, but it might not be as insightful.

How can I modify my cumulative sum pivot chart when the data is updated?

To update one, select the pivot table and right-click to select “Refresh.” Excel will take in any new data and will update the new cumulative totals on its own.

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